
Monday, August 5, 2013

Immersion Assembly

The bell had rang for the first day of term 3 2013. We all lined up to go to Immersion assembly. I was excited to see what the teachers had planned for us. Room 17 sat down. “ Tena koutou tamariki ma.” Mr Burt said to us. “ Tena Koe Mr Burt.” The whole school replied back to Mr Burt.

Mr Burt said this whole piece of stuff then he said, “ Give it up for Team 1.” Team 1 teachers stood up and did their performance. Then it was team 2, and team 3, and then team 4.

My favourite performance was team 3. They were so funny. Their performance was about, Sleeping beauty, Snow white, and Cinderella. They were on a show and it was about those girls getting a prince. And then they took a look at the prince and was he not good looking for the girls.

So in the end the girls ended up with nobody. Shame on them.

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