
Monday, November 30, 2015

Extension Reflection

This post is about my year I have had in Extension for 2015.

This year has been extraordinary and I have loved every minute of it! Not a minute went by when I wanted to quit Extension because I had been learning so much. Having Mrs Lagitupu as out Extension teacher was a surprise because I didn't know Mrs Lagitupu to be an Extension teacher. But overall she has been great to us and gave us absolutely great projects to work on to stable our learning and give us more understanding.

The students in Extension this year has been wonderful. They have been understanding and never put each other down! We were like family, we collaborated fantastically and we worked well together. The year 7's this year were amazing and can't wait to see what they're like next year when we're gone.

TRIPS! The trips we had were outstanding we had multiple of them but I can't remember all. Check out my blog to find out more. This year's trips were fun and outstanding. We had heaps of fun as well as learning a lot.

Extension this year was spectacular and I really don't want to leave this school, because that means leaving Extension. I hope that the Extension students next year, do well and get good academic awards!

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